3024.0: Monday, November 13, 2000 - Board 9

Abstract #12963

Transportation trial: Breast and cervical cancer screening program

Barbara E. Hickok, MPH, BSN, Breast & Cervical Cancer Detection & Control Program, New Mexico Department of Health, 625 Silver SW, Suite 203, Albuquerque, NM 87110, 505-841-5859, barbarah@doh.state.nm.us

Large programs are often started with logical and sound but unproved ideas. Avoidable problems are encountered when formative research is not done. Faced with a continuing problem of unspent federal dollars and a variety of suggestions from Program medical providers, the Breast and Cervical Cancer (B&CC) Program needs answers. Continued federal funding is in jeopardy. Clear data is needed to identify the problem.

Surveys and interviews were conducted with older women; questions were asked to determine why women did not come for free services (mammograms). Staff expected to hear fear of learning about cancer or fear related to pain during the procedure would be the answers.

A magazine format for screening information, and help with transportation dominated the responses. NM is a rural state, and transportation problems are always a primary concern regarding access to care. Mammography facilities are located around the city, but not within walking distnce or mass transportation access for the population involved.

The Albuquerque transportation authority, SunTran, was contacted and planning is underway. Possibilities include: 1)contract for van services through a broker; 2)develop a voucher system for pre-approved sites or individuals. A pilot project will be implemented and evaluated summer 2000. Program data results will be used for evaluation and presented at the meeting. The effort will model cooperation between non-typical (at least for New Mexico)partners.

Learning Objectives: At the conclusion of this session, the participant will be able to : 1. Identify why small cost formative research is necessary before implementation of a large budget activity. 2. Recognize the importance of untried partnerships

Keywords: Access to Health Care, Partner Involvement

Presenting author's disclosure statement:
Organization/institution whose products or services will be discussed: CDC New Mexico Department of Health Albuquerque SunTran
I do not have any significant financial interest/arrangement or affiliation with any organization/institution whose products or services are being discussed in this session.

The 128th Annual Meeting of APHA