Thank you for allowing us to record your presentation. You may view it until Friday, January 7, 2005 using the link below:

Recorded Presentation

Please do take a look. And let us know what you think of the recording by submitting a response to each of the following questions.

To hear the recording, you must have speakers or headphones connected to your computer.
To view the recording you must have a fast Internet connection (cable or DSL, not dial-up). You should also set your screen resolution at 1024x768 or greater.

The recording is best viewed using the Microsoft Internet Explorer web browser on a Windows machine. (Other web browsers and operating systems might work. With Internet Explorer and Windows, the required Webex player and the recording should load automatically without trouble.)

1. Were you able to access the presentation easily?

  • 2. How would you rate the visual quality of this recording?

  • 3. How would you rate the audio quality of this recording?