Allison A. Brown, PhD

Edward Hines Jr. VA Hospital
Center for Management of Complex Chronic Care
5000 S. 5th Ave. (151H)

Biographical Sketch:
Allison Brown received her Ph.D. in Public Health Sciences from the University of Illinois at Chicago in 2008. She is currently a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Department of Veterans Affairs, Center for Management of Complex Chronic Care, and faculty at the University of Illinois at Chicago, Department of Medicine. Dr. Brown engages in collaborative participatory research related to disability and women’s health. Dr. Brown is interested in studying how women Veterans with disabilities perceive their health, experience and manage their care, and how health services for women with disabilities at VA can be can improved for greater outreach and more successful health outcomes. The presence of women Veterans is increasing, and many of them face long-term impairments or permanent disability. In response, VA will need to focus attention and investigation on the growing population of disabled women Veterans, particularly as they age. Dr. Brown’s work will investigate how support and services can be utilized more effectively to ensure that women Veterans, including those with disabilities, have full access to quality care that respects their needs and preferences. Additional research interests include health advocacy and community empowerment, and the use of participatory qualitative/mixed-methods in health research.