Victor W. Sidel, MD

Montifiore Medical Center, Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Distinguished University Professor of Social Medicine
111 East 210th Street

Biographical Sketch:
Victor W. Sidel, MD, is Distinguished University Professor of Social Medicine at Montefiore Medical Center and the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in the Bronx, New York and Adjunct Professor of Public Health at Weill Cornell Medical College. He served as president of Physicians for Social Responsibility and of the International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War, which received the 1985 Nobel Prize for Peace. He was president of the American Public Health Association in 1985. Dr. Sidel is co-editor with Dr. Barry Levy of books published by Oxford University Press in cooperation with the American Public Health Association; they include War and Public Health (2008), Social Injustice and Public Health (2009) and Terrorism and Public Health (new edition planned for 2011).