Injury Control and Emergency Health Services

Submit Abstract

The Injury Control and Emergency Health Services (ICEHS) Section invites abstracts related to the prevention and control of injuries and violence in all settings; delivery and evaluation of emergency health services; and issues related to emergency preparedness and population safety. Abstracts addressing policy, methodological advances, programs, services, translational research, epidemiology, and research and evaluation are appropriate for this section. We welcome abstracts on ALL unintentional and intentional injury topics.

Abstracts must be submitted via this website. The deadline for submitting abstracts to the ICEHS Section is 11:59 pm PST on Friday, February 13, 2009. Abstracts will be peer-reviewed and considered for presentation at the 137th Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association, to be held November 7-11, 2009, in Philadelphia, PA. The theme for the 2009 meeting is "Water and Public Health: The 21st Century Challenge." Authors will be notified of the status of their abstracts by email in early June 2009.

Subjects of interest include:
  • Aging and Injury
  • Alcohol-related Injury
  • Child and Adolescent Injury
  • Community Interventions
  • Data: Innovative Uses and Surveillance
  • Emergency and Disaster Preparedness
  • Evaluation
  • Fall-related Injury
  • Fire-related Injury and Fire Prevention
  • Innovations in Injury Methodology (Special Session)
  • Motor Vehicle and Transportation
  • Occupational Injury
  • Policy and Law
  • Sports, Recreational, and Exercise-related Injury
  • Suicide and Self-Inflicted Injury
  • Translation and Dissemination
  • Trauma Systems and Emergency Care
  • Traumatic Brain Injury
  • Violence, including Child Maltreatment, Youth, Intimate Partner, Older Persons, Sexual, Gang, and Firearm
  • Water-related Injuries
  • Other Unintentional Injuries
Abstracts must be structured as follows:
Background/Purpose, Methods, Results/Outcomes, Conclusions

The abstract word limit is 250 words. You must also include clear MEASURABLE learning objectives with your abstract submission. Learning objectives are not included in the word count.

An expanded summary must be submitted with the abstract. The purpose of the expanded summary is to provide additional information to help reviewers judge the relevance and quality of your work. It should not repeat the abstract material, but instead should provide complementary details about the work. The average length of an expanded summary is 500 words (maximum 2,000).

We also welcome abstract submissions for consideration as a Special Session, Innovations in Injury Methodology, Student Paper Award, APHA Film and Technology Theatre, and Latebreakers as noted below. Except for Latebreakers, all abstracts are due February 13, 2009.

Special Sessions. We welcome proposals for full sessions (90 minutes in length). In addition to the electronic online submission of an individual abstract for EACH of the 4-5 papers to be included in a Session, a one-page overview of the proposed Session MUST be submitted directly to Dr. Keshia Pollack (, the ICEHS Scientific Program Committee Chair. This one-page overview should include:

  1. Overall session title;

  2. Name of the lead facilitator and the contact person for the Session;

  3. Brief overview of the rationale for the Session; and

  4. List (in presentation order) of the individual abstracts to be organized into this Session, complete with titles, presenters' names, and time allocated for each presentation and any discussion periods.

Please note that each individual abstract to be included in a Session must be submitted through the APHA electronic abstract submission process. In the "Comments to Organizers" box for each abstract submission, the authors should indicate that the abstract is to be considered as part of the Proposed Session (indicated by Session title).

Methods Session: An annual session titled Innovations in Injury Methodology highlights methodological advances to the field of injury science. Previously an invited session, this session is now issuing a general call for abstracts with a due date of February 13, 2009. This session will consist of 4 to 5 presentations focusing on methodological issues of interest to injury researchers. This session is coordinated by Dr. Guohua Li ( Latebreaker abstracts are not eligible for consideration in this session.

Student Paper Award Competition. The purpose of the Student Paper Award is to foster and reward quality research efforts of student members of the ICEHS section. (Student members of APHA can select up to one additional section free of charge (in addition to their membership in the student section) by going on-line at Contact if you have questions on how to affiliate with the ICEHS section). To qualify for the competition, students must be currently enrolled or have completed their degree programs within the last year. Student paper award abstracts are submitted through the online APHA abstract submission process in accordance with APHA guidelines, which require that the work be original, unpublished, and not have been previously presented at a professional meeting. Both regular deadline and latebreaker abstracts qualify for consideration if the student meets the respective submission deadline AND indicates an interest in having their abstract considered for an award. (To indicate such interest, on the TITLE screen (Step 2 of the submission process), check the "YES" button on the "Consider This Paper For An Award" question (located in the "Presenting Author and Award Submission" box). Use the pull-down menu to select "Best Student Paper Award.") Following notice of acceptance of the abstract for either oral or poster presentation, by the Scientific Program Chair, applicants must submit a completed manuscript by September 1, 2009 according to the instructions posted on the ICEHS section website at It is the full-length manuscript that is reviewed for the award. For additional information regarding the student paper competition review the ICEHS website or contact Dr. Susan G. Gerberich ( or Dr. Lenora Olson (

APHA Film and Technology Theatre. We also welcome abstract submissions for the APHA Film and Technology Theater. If you have documentaries, public service announcements, or other kinds of media related to ICEHS, please send an email to Dr. Keshia Pollack ( with the title, director, length of time, and media description.

Late-breaker Sessions. A call for late-breaker abstracts for research findings and events that have transpired after the February 13 deadline will be released in the summer of 2009. A notification that includes a firm submission deadline for the abstracts will appear in the ICEHS Newsletter. For questions related to late-breaker abstracts contact Dr. Shannon Frattaroli ( Student abstracts submitted for late-breakers are eligible for Student Paper Award consideration as long as the full paper is submitted by the September 1, 2009 date as noted above.
Submit Abstract

Program Planner Contact Information:
Keshia Pollack, PhD, MPH
Department of Health Policy and Management
Johns Hopkins University
624 N. Broadway, Room 557
Baltimore, MD 21205
Phone: 410-502-6272