Susan E. Middlestadt, PhD

Indiana University
Department of Applied Health Science
1025 E. 7th St. HPER 116
Bloomington, IN
USA 47405
2050.0 Applying the Theory of Planned Behavior to Yoga: Predicting Regular Yoga Class Attendance
3170.0 Whose opinion do we care about when it comes to healthy eating? A qualitative comparison of men and women
3355.0 Effects of a lifestyle physical activity intervention in a worksite environment
3378.0 Factors underlying intention to donate to Caring for Children in Belize: A qualitative inquiry
3378.0 Validation of the Multi-Factor Attitude toward Condoms Scale (MFACS) among College Students
4147.0 Association between smokers' perceptions of smoking regulations and attitudes and beliefs about quitting
4209.0 A Psychometric Assessment of the Multi-Factor Attitude toward Condoms Scale (MFACS)
5021.0 Belief structure underlying attitude, subjective norm, and perceived behavioral control of the six-month exclusive breastfeeding behavior