Michael Reece, PhD, MPH

Indiana University
Center for Sexual Health Promotion
1025 East Seventh Street
Bloomington, IN
USA 47405
3125.0 Connecting Hidden Communities for Research Collaboration: A Community-Based Study of Sexual Health Among Bisexual Men
3125.0 Online Communities and CBPR: Engaging with Corporate Partners to Improve the Sexual Health of MSM
3125.0 Community-Based Participatory Research with the Justice System to Enhance STI Testing and Treatment
3125.0 Using Community-Based Participatory Research to assess HIV risk and sexual compulsivity among rural MSM
3125.0 Contextualizing Community-Based Participatory Research on HIV among MSM: A study of a decentralized Midwestern community
3218.0 Factors Associated with STI Testing Among a National Sample of MSM
3263.0 Perceived barriers to HIV-related services in Western Kenya
3267.0 HIV related knowledge and risk behaviors of US Burmese refugees
3269.0 Patterns of condom acquisition by condom using men in the United States
3295.0 Reconceptualizing Safer Sex: Women's Protective Health Strategies During Transactional Sexual Exchanges
3320.0 Experiences with Sexual Enhancement Products among HIV+ MSM
4036.0 Latino Partnership: A CBPR approach to reducing HIV risk among immigrant Latino men
5009.0 Sexual behaviors, condom use, and HIV/STI screening and diagnosis: A comparison of circumcised and non-circumcised MSM in the United States
5009.0 Improving HIV-related service delivery in sub-Saharan Africa: Learning from those we serve
5075.0 Penile dimensions and sexual health among US men
5112.0 Outcome findings from a pilot test of the CyBER/testing: An Internet intervention designed to increase HIV testing among MSM