Online Program

Health economics and costs

Tuesday, November 5, 2013: 12:30 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.
The session describes costs of care for several health conditions. Several large databases furnished opportunities to analyze relative contributions to these costs.
Session Objectives: Analyze expenditures related to care for cancer, mental illness, and c. difficile infection Understand variation in expenditures in a commercial population
Lisa Lines, MPH
Lisa Lines, MPH

Role of utilization and price in spending variation in a privately insured Texas population 2008-2011   
Luisa Franzini, PhD, Cecilia Ganduglia, MD DrPH, Rohan Parikh, MS, Suthira Taychakhoonavudh, MS, Ibrahim Abbass, Osama Mikhail, PhD and Mark Zezza, PhD
A four-year review of the financial burden of cancer care: Results from a national education program   
Allison Harvey, MPH, CHES, Marni Amsellem, PhD, Ivy Ahmed, MPH, MCHES, Rhea Suarez, BS and Thomas Smith, MD, FACP, FASCO
Medical comorbidity and healthcare expenditures among people with severe mental illness   
Sungkyu Lee, PhD, Aileen Rothbard, ScD, Sunha Choi, PhD and Elizabeth Noll, MA
Burden of medical co-morbidity in men and women with serious mental illness   
Kathryn Parr, PhD, Frank Baker, PhD and Megan Ehret, PharmD, MS, BCPP

See individual abstracts for presenting author's disclosure statement and author's information.

Organized by: Medical Care
Endorsed by: Health Administration, Asian Pacific Islander Caucus for Public Health, Chiropractic Health Care

CE Credits: Medical (CME), Health Education (CHES), Nursing (CNE), Public Health (CPH) , Masters Certified Health Education Specialist (MCHES)

See more of: Medical Care