5022.0: Wednesday, October 24, 2001 - 9:10 AM

Abstract #23956

Characteristics of schools on or near hazardous waste sites in Brownfields communities

Brent D. Brewer, MSEnvE1, Robin M. Wagner, PhD, MS1, William D. Henriques, PhD, MSPH2, Rueben C. Warren, DDS, MPH, DrPH3, Monica L. Booker, MPH2, Ginger D. Green, MPH1, and Mary C. White, ScD1. (1) Health Investigations Branch, Division of Health Studies, U.S. Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, 1600 Clifton Road, Mailstop E31, Atlanta, GA 30333, (2) Spatial Analysis and Information Dissemination Section, Division of Health Assessment and Consultation, U.S. Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, 1600 Clifton Road, Mailstop E56, Atlanta, GA 30333, (3) Office of Urban Affairs, Office of the Assistant Administrator, U.S. Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, 1600 Clifton Road, Mailstop E28, Atlanta, GA 30333

Schools are an essential component of healthy communities, and the physical location and siting of schools are important issues in many communities. A spatial analysis approach using geographic information systems is being used to estimate the number and sociodemographic characteristics of public and private elementary and secondary schools located on or near the approximately 1,550 National Priorities List (NPL) of Superfund hazardous waste sites in the U.S. NPL site "boundaries" were defined as the apparent physical boundary of the facilities. An initial analysis is identifying schools within site boundaries and 1 mile beyond site boundaries of 61 NPL sites in 16 Brownfields showcase communities. The number and characteristics of children attending these schools is also being determined. Preliminary results indicate that while most children were proximate to only one NPL site, some children attended schools within 1 mile of 2 or more sites. The students in this analysis included many young children -- over a third were in pre-kindergarten through third grade. Proportionately more minority and poor children attended these schools than expected from national figures. The limitations of these findings and possible next steps will be discussed.

Learning Objectives: At the conclusion of the session, the participants will: 1) know the number of schools within one mile or on 61 National Priorities List(NPL) Superfund hazardous waste sites in 16 Brownfields showcase communities; 2)know the characteristics of children who attend these schools, and how they differ from school children nationally; 3) understand the limitations of this analysis; and 4) learn the next steps implied by this analysis.

Keywords: School Health, Hazardous Waste

Presenting author's disclosure statement:
Organization/institution whose products or services will be discussed: None
I do not have any significant financial interest/arrangement or affiliation with any organization/institution whose products or services are being discussed in this session.

The 129th Annual Meeting of APHA