5167.0: Wednesday, October 24, 2001 - 3:15 PM

Abstract #24363

San Diego providers prepare to meet LGBT seniors' needs: Asset mapping & capacity building

James Zians, Community Collaborative Group for LGBT Senior Issues, Alliance Healthcare Foundation, San Diego, California, 9325 Skypark Court, San Diego, CA, 619-299-0642, jzians@pacbell.net and Gail Souare, MPH, Community Collaborative Group on LGBT Senior Issues, Alliance Healthcare Foundation, San Diego, 9325 Skypark Court, San Diego, CA.

For seniors (55+) within the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered (LGBT) population, there is still a certain "vulnerability" regarding delivery of much-needed healthcare services. While changes in social tolerance have made historical leaps in public education, and diminished discrimination, most local social service organizations are ill-equipped to provide appropriate services that meet the needs of the newly emerging group of LGBT seniors. Providers are often unaware of the LGBT senior population because these seniors often fear self-identifying. Also, many mainstream senior providers know little about the lifestyles, needs, and service preferences the LGBT senior population. In San Diego County, California, a Senior Health Needs Assessment Advisory Committee was created to address the growing concerns of seniors within the LGBT community and assess the capacity of local senior service providers to expand services that are culturally appropriate to LGBT seniors. The project surveyed 150 local senior service providers in San Diego County. These respondents were a representative sample of senior service providers and included healthcare, social service and residential service providers. Questions encompassed information regarding current services, agency capacity, future growth plans, experience with LGBT clients, desire to care and treat LGBT clients, knowledge of and sensitivity to LGBT needs, ongoing collaborations with other service providers, and funding and technical assistance needs. Results of this survey help comprehensive community planning efforts by distinguishing where existing senior healthcare providers may expand existing services to meet the upcoming needs of LGBT seniors, and where new LGBT services will need to be created.

Learning Objectives: 1.) Discuss the ability and interest of existing senior service providers to build capacity and expand services to meet the specific needs of LGBT seniors. 2.) Analyze the challenges and barriers encountered when providing adequate access and delivery of healthcare services to the LGBT senior population. 3. Develop a model for a community planning process that may assist in a needs assessment for both LGBT seniors and potential providers of LGBT seniors services and which also entails development of collaborative and diverse relationships in a large metropolitan community.

Keywords: Aging, Gay

Presenting author's disclosure statement:
Organization/institution whose products or services will be discussed: The Alliance Healthcare Foundation, San Diego, California
I do not have any significant financial interest/arrangement or affiliation with any organization/institution whose products or services are being discussed in this session.

The 129th Annual Meeting of APHA