4186.0: Tuesday, October 23, 2001 - 3:10 PM

Abstract #27447

Needs assessments made simpler with CSAP’s on-line decision support system

Joscelyn Silsby, MPH1, Robert S. Gold, PhD, DrPH1, Patrick T. Koeppl, MA1, Jon Rolf, PhD2, Walter LaMendola, PhD3, and Dottie Natal4. (1) Public Health Informatics Laboratory, University of Maryland, College Park, Suite 2387 Valley Drive, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742-2611, 301-405-8161, jsilsby@umail.umd.edu, (2) Center for Substance Abuse Prevention, 5600 Fishers Lane, Rockwall II Bldg., 9th Floor, Rockville, MD 20857, (3) Active Guide, Denver, CO, (4) Imagen Multimedia, Lompoc, CA

Many local and state health departments require that comprehensive needs assessments be conducted annually. Typically, this involves a complex set of activities: identifying sub-population health risks, assessing gaps in preventive and treatment services, and then determining the most acceptable ways for services gaps to be filled. This presentation will compare and contrast internet-based strategies with traditional approaches for conducting needs assessments, focusing on an innovative Web-based decision support system called PreventionDSS. Developed by the Center for Substance Abuse Prevention (CSAP, part of the SAMHSA/DHHS), PreventionDSS is designed to assist service providers at community and State levels in applying lessons learned from prevention science to their program development efforts. PreventionDSS contains research-based knowledge portals and interactive tools that actively guide users in: conducting needs assessments; creating strategic plans; selecting, implementing, and adapting model programs; and conducting process and outcome evaluations. The “Assessing Needs” tool is generated in a dynamic, database driven environment, which acts as: (1) a repository for downloaded needs assessment data, (2) an intelligent organizer of these data, and (3) a means for obtaining expert advise about how to use and interpret these data. The “Assessing Needs” tool will be demonstrated using examples from substance abuse prevention projects and providing recommendations as to how the tool could be adapted for other fields. Also discussed are implications of using other internet-based decision support tools to streamline health education and health promotion program planning, implementation, and evaluation processes, as well as to facilitate collaboration among community stakeholders. See www.preventiondss.org

Learning Objectives: At the conclusion of this presentation, participants will be able to: 1. Describe what a decision support system is and how it can facilitate the task of conducting a needs assessment. 2. Evaluate the usefulness of the “Assessing Needs” tool in terms of its components, its data sources, and its technical support functions.

Keywords: Needs Assessment, Internet Tools

Presenting author's disclosure statement:
Organization/institution whose products or services will be discussed: None
Disclosure not received
Relationship: Not Received.

The 129th Annual Meeting of APHA