3182.0: Monday, October 22, 2001 - 5:30 PM

Abstract #30418

Outcomes of Traumatic Brain Injury One Year After Injury: A Population-based Study of Hospitalized Cases

Dave Mellick, MA1, CA Brooks, MSHA1, Gale Whiteneck, PhD2, and Melissa Sendroy Terrill, BA1. (1) Research, Craig Hospital, 3425 S. Clarkson Street, Englewood, CO 80110, 3037898202, dmellick@craighospital.org, (2) Director of Research, Craig Hospital, 3425 S. Clarkson Street, Englewood, CO 80110

Since 1996, the Colorado Traumatic Brain Injury Registry and Follow-up System (CTBIRFS) has identified and interviewed a representative sample of 1,171 people who were hospitalized with a diagnosis of TBI and who were interviewed one year after their injury to determine their outcomes. These individuals include those with mild, moderate, and severe injuries, from all traumatic etiologies and all adult age groups. Across this population-based sample, at one year post-injury, 13% were found to need assistance from others in performing physical activities; 31% needed assistance with cognitive activities: 23% failed to return to work or school; and 77% reported problem outcomes. This presentation will describe the outcomes of people with TBI, and the services they received, as well as how the services and outcomes differ by gender, age, and severity of injury.

Learning Objectives: 1-To identify physical, social, and cognitive characteristics of individuals one-year post traumatic brain injury.

Keywords: Traumatic Brain Injury, Surveillance

Presenting author's disclosure statement:
Organization/institution whose products or services will be discussed: None
Disclosure not received
Relationship: Not Received.

The 129th Annual Meeting of APHA