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The 130th Annual Meeting of APHA |
Heidy Leiva, Paediatrics Service of the Hospital Regional of Rancagua, Alameda 611, Rancagua, Chile, 5672207222, heidy@emol.com
ABSTRACT: Database of deaths per district of the Sixth Region of Chile of the year 1999 is analyzed and we calculate the Potential Lost Years of Life (AVPP) and we relate this with the measurement of the level of Poverty, measured by the Human Development Indicator as the Ministry of Planning and Development (MIDEPLAN) and the Program for the Development of the United Nations established. It has been determined the relationship between the health damage profile, measured by the amount of AVPP and the poverty’s level (IDH). The amount of AVPP is established according to the group of diseases which is classified following the International Classification of Diseases and Health Related Problems, 10th revision (CIE-10). Afterwards, statistical analysis is made to determine the significance of the relationship. The results show that the districts of high level of poverty present health damage due to blood diseases, sickness of the nervous system, diseases of the urinary apparatus and congenital malformations. The middle level districts show health damage because of trauma and cancer. In the high level of human development districts, the health damage is produced, principally, by respiratory diseases and digestive diseases. In these districts, the AVPP due to Mal Classified Symptoms and Signs are effectively less frequent than in the other types of districts. In all the districts, the AVPP because of Trauma and Poisonings are the most frequent. Learning objectives: Prioritize health programs through the knowledge of the relationship between human development and potential lost years of life in a community.
Learning Objectives:
Keywords: Community Health Planning, Public Health Administration
Presenting author's disclosure statement:
I do not have any significant financial interest/arrangement or affiliation with any organization/institution whose products or services are being discussed in this session.