The 130th Annual Meeting of APHA

3358.0: Monday, November 11, 2002 - 8:30 PM

Abstract #40018

Evaluating the Life Preserver Campaign - Promoting Vaccination Among Persons with Diabetes

Stephanie A. Dopson, MSW, MPH, Division of Diabetes Translation, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 4770 Buford Highway, Mailstop K-10, Atlanta, GA 30341, 770-488-5004,

The Life Preserver Campaign was carried out as a collaborative effort between CDC and state health departments in the United States and affiliated Pacific jurisdictions. A media campaign was conducted from 1997-2000 featuring English and Spanish radio, print and television PSA's pamphlets and posters. Media messages reached persons with diabetes, clinicians and the general population. Separate materials and messages were developed for the African American and Hispanic populations. Communication efforts were paired with systemic interventions designed to engage active support of health care delivery systems providing the vaccinations. As of August 1999, the campaign's reach was estimated at 114.5 million persons. More PSA's aired when Diabetes Control Programs modified program materials for target audiences, particularly minority populations, indicating the need to develop materials for specific populations to have more effective interventions. Key methods of distributing print material included mailings, conferences and providing materials to partners, which emphasized the importance of partnerships in implementing a successful campaign.

Learning Objectives:

Keywords: Communication Evaluation, Diabetes

Presenting author's disclosure statement:
I do not have any significant financial interest/arrangement or affiliation with any organization/institution whose products or services are being discussed in this session.

Using Health Communication and Social Marketing to Reach Diverse Racial/Ethnic Populations

The 130th Annual Meeting of APHA