The 130th Annual Meeting of APHA

4292.0: Tuesday, November 12, 2002 - Board 5

Abstract #43588

Building a spirit of community service within medical residency programs

Selena Webster-Bass, MPH and Marcia Funderburk, MD. Department of Community Health and Family Medicine, University of Florida, 1255 LILA AVENUE, SUITE B, Jacksonville, FL 32208, (904) 244-5705,

It is vital that primary care providers learn the importance of health promotion and disease prevention concepts and the practice of community leadership during their medical residency training. Developing these skills will assist physicians in identifying community resources, communicating more effectively with patients, and understanding health in the context of community, including socioeconomic status, housing, transportation and educational levels. This presentation will describe the unique components of a community health curriculum at a university-based family practice residency program. The community health curriculum includes cultural competency training, a home visitation program, a geriatric education project, an adolescent health education project and other interwoven health promotion activities. These community health activities were developed through partnerships with various sectors of the community including schools, faith-based organizations, senior centers, wellness centers and a local homeless shelter.

Learning Objectives:

  • Learning Objectives
  • At the conclusion of the session, participants will be able to

    Keywords: Community-Based Partnership, Community-Based Health Promotion

    Presenting author's disclosure statement:
    I do not have any significant financial interest/arrangement or affiliation with any organization/institution whose products or services are being discussed in this session.

    Professional Preparation Issues for The Profession

    The 130th Annual Meeting of APHA