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The 130th Annual Meeting of APHA |
David R. Walker, PhD, James S. O'Leary, PhD, Miriam Cannon-Wagner, BSN, and Richard P. Vance, MD. Outcomes Research, CorSolutions, 1371A Abbott Court, Buffalo Grove, IL 60089, 800-343-6311 x2173, dwalker@corsolutions.com
Objective: To estimate the impact of a congestive heart failure disease management program on the quality of life for the old and very old. Materials/Methods: 5,478 patients active in a congestive heart failure (CHF) disease management program for at least 90 days were identified for inclusion into the study. The patients were divided into either the “old” group (65 – 84 years of age) or the “very old” group (85 years and older). There were 4,417 patients in the old group and 1,061 patients in the very old group. Univariate analyses were done to estimate if there were differences in the physical and mental quality of life scores over time between the two groups. The SF-8 and SF-12 were used to measure the quality of life scores. The most recent score was compared to the score at baseline (intake into the CHF program). Results: The average length of time between the baseline and most recent scores was 355 and 365 days respectively, for the old and very old groups. The average change in the physical score was 5.26 and 5.96 points respectively for the old and very old (p=0.6). The average change in the mental score was 0.50 and 0.25 points respectively for the old and very old (p=0.5). Conclusion/Discussion: The mean change in the quality of scores did not differ significantly between the old and very old group. A CHF disease management program can improve the quality of life for patients of all ages.
Learning Objectives:
Keywords: Quality of Life, Disease Management
Presenting author's disclosure statement:
Organization/institution whose products or services will be discussed: CorSolutions Inc. disease management program
I have a significant financial interest/arrangement or affiliation with any organization/institution whose products or services are being discussed in this session.
Relationship: Employment