The 130th Annual Meeting of APHA

Session: Progress and Challenges to Health Reform in the Caribbean Basin
4204.0: Tuesday, November 12, 2002: 2:30 PM-4:00 PM
Progress and Challenges to Health Reform in the Caribbean Basin
This session presents an overview of health reforms in El Salvador, Nicaragua, Colombia, and the Dominican Republic. Although the rationale for reform is similar in all countries, i.e. greater equity, access, and efficiency, each followed different approaches towards implementation. Colombia is well known for its adaptation of the �managed competition� model. With almost 10 years of experience Colombia achieved some results, but realized that adjustments are necessary along the way. El Salvador and Nicaragua emerged in the early 1990s from violence and chaos. New governments were then committed to changing the organization and delivery of social services. El Salvador chose to modernize the existing public health care system. Nicaragua opted for transforming the social insurance system for a segment of its population. Both countries have achieved some interesting results in terms of access, efficiency, and equity. The Dominican Republic, after a long process of internal debate and consensus building, has recently entered the health reform frenzy. Its approach follows the Colombian model, albeit an �improved� version. With enactment of a new legal framework in 2001 the Dominican health care system faces a major overhaul. Key changes include separation of functions, mandatory national health insurance, and decentralization. This experience is the newest in the Caribbean basin. Launching the Dominican reforms, given their ambitious nature and scope, remains a great challenge, however. Although the political, financial, and technical sustainability of the process raises some concerns, there is a cautious optimism about its success.
Learning Objectives: At the conclusion of this session participants will assess advances and challenges of health care reforms in El Salvador, Nicaragua, Colombia, and the Dominican Republic.
See individual abstracts for presenting author's disclosure statement and author's information.
Organizer(s):Patricio Murgueytio, MD, PhD
Moderator(s):Karen Cavanaugh, MHS
2:30 PMManaged Competition Reform in the Tropics: The Colombian Health Care Reform
Juan Pablo Uribe, MD, MPH, MPA, Luis G. Morales, MD, MPH
2:50 PMNicaraguan Social Insurance Health Model: A Promising Work in Progress
John L. Fiedler, PhD, Gerard M. LaForgia, PhD
3:10 PMHealth Reform in the Dominican Republic: A Long and Winding Road
Patricio Murgueytio, MD, PhD, Luis G. Morales, MD, MPH
3:30 PM�Basic Systems for Integrated Health� (SIBASI) improve quality of care in El Salvador
Herbert Betancourt, MD, MPH
Organized by:International Health
Endorsed by:Socialist Caucus
CE Credits:Health Education (CHES), Nursing, Pharmacy, Social Work

The 130th Annual Meeting of APHA