The 130th Annual Meeting of APHA

Session: Nutrition issues in maternal and child health
4280.0: Tuesday, November 12, 2002: 4:30 PM-6:00 PM
Nutrition issues in maternal and child health
Learning Objectives: 1. Assess the influence of cultural components and environmental supports and barriers on food choices of young women. 2. Describe relevant themes that address cultural and historical implications of African American food and nutritional choices and assess that information as it pertains to the local community of interest. 3. Recognize and appreciate the importance of focus group discussions with an emphasis on community participation to inform the development of one's community based program in maternal and child health 4. Identify the prevalence of inadequate weight gain during pregnancy in thirteen states 5. Recognize that the prevalence of inadequate weight gain contributes to the occurrence of low weight births within each state 6. Discuss what can be done to prevent women from gaining an inadequate amount of weight during pregnancy. 7. Recognize and illustrate the importance of what we know about breastfeeding among premature infants 8. Recognize and illustrate the importance of the role of public and private interests in shaping breastfeeding policy and practice 9. Apply the knowledge of demographic, health, familial, socio-cultural and community factors related to breastfeeding among premature infants 10. Develop and complete a formal needs assessment of breastfeeding among premature infants in a defined catchment area.
See individual abstracts for presenting author's disclosure statement and author's information.
Organizer(s):Hani K. Atrash, MD, MPH
Board 1Service model variation across Kansas Healthy Start Home Visitor program: Addressing population need through program modification
Matthew D. Shepherd, PhD, Barbara E. Starrett, MHA
Board 2Perceptions of Young African American Women about Cultural and Environmental Influences on Healthy Eating: REACH 2010 Reducing Infant Mortality in Genesee County
Srimathi Kannan, PhD, Charlene Acker, Elizabeth Tropiano, MS, Amy Thompson, RD, Holly Noble, RD
Board 3Effects of obesity before conception on maternal/infant outcomes: An underappreciated problem
Richard J. Deckelbaum, MD, Marion Greenup, MEd, MPH, Diane Thompson, MPH, RD, Kellee Bartley
Board 4Pregnancy, Fasting and Religion in a Muslim Community
Marlene D. Allison, RN, MPH, Makhmood Reznik
Withdrawn -- Weight-based teasing and associations with emotional well-being among adolescents
Marla Eisenberg, ScD, MPH, Dianne Neumark-Sztainer, PhD, MPH, Mary Story, PhD RD
Board 5Inadequate Weight Gain: A multi-state analysis using 1997-1999 data from the Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS)
Chris S. Wells, MS
Board 6Almost exclusive breastfeeding and infant growth
Laura Duckett, PhD, MPH, RN
Board 7Breastfeeding as a public health problem among preterm infants
Rahel G. Hailemichael
Board 8Issues related to breastfeeding among urban mothers
David Johnson, MPH, Gopal Narayan, MS, MPH
Board 9Pattern of breast – feeding and weaning practices in Benghazi – A community Health Study 
Ratan Singh, MD, Mailud Al-Amari, Mahesh Prashad Sharma, MD
Board 10A study to improve breastfeeding practices for child survival in tribal community of Jharkhand in India
Anubha Ghose, DCH, MD, Sanjay Kumar, PhD
Organized by:Maternal and Child Health
Endorsed by:Epidemiology; Population, Family Planning, and Reproductive Health; Public Health Nursing; Socialist Caucus
CE Credits:Nursing, Social Work

The 130th Annual Meeting of APHA