The 130th Annual Meeting of APHA

Session: Performance Measurement in Developing Effective Public Mental Health Systems
5124.0: Wednesday, November 13, 2002: 12:30 PM-2:00 PM
Performance Measurement in Developing Effective Public Mental Health Systems
Learning Objectives: 1. Identify different methodologies for performance monitoring. 2. Identify strategies for increasing knowledge utilization by planners. 3. Describe two major mental health benchmarking initiatives.
See individual abstracts for presenting author's disclosure statement and author's information.
Presider(s):John Hornik, PhD
12:30 PMAccountability and performance measurement in mental health care: The feasibility of the balanced scorecard
Elizabeth Lin, PhD, Janet Durbin
12:45 PMMonitoring Mental Health Reform - An Example from a Canadian Inner City
Anne E. Rhodes, PhD, Mohammad Agha, PhD, Marisa Creatore, MSc, R Glazier, MD, MSc
1:00 PMNeeds-based planning for hospital restructuring: Method and findings
Janet Durbin, MSc, Paula N. Goering, RN, PhD, Dianne Macfarlane, MA, Christina Tess Sheldon, MSc
1:15 PMNeeds-based planning for hospital restructuring: Using evidence for systems change
Paula N. Goering, RN, PhD, Janet Durbin, MSc, Dianne Macfarlane, MA, Dale Butterill, MSW, MPA
1:30 PMComparing self-report and Medicaid data in an assessment of a capitated plan for seriously mentally ill persons
Joseph P. Morrissey, PhD, Kathleen C. Thomas, PhD, T. Scott Stroup, MD, MPH, Kathleen Holladay
Organized by:Mental Health
Endorsed by:Health Administration
CE Credits:CME, Health Education (CHES), Nursing, Pharmacy, Social Work

The 130th Annual Meeting of APHA