The 130th Annual Meeting of APHA

Session: Mental Health Treatment and the Criminal Justice System
5187.0: Wednesday, November 13, 2002: 2:30 PM-4:00 PM
Mental Health Treatment and the Criminal Justice System
Learning Objectives: 1. Identify people in the criminal justice system who are more likely to use mental health services. 2. Recognize the relative risk of legal involvement attributable to severe mental illness. 3. List methods for treating people with comorbid psychiatric disorders.
See individual abstracts for presenting author's disclosure statement and author's information.
Presider(s):Pamela J. Fischer, PhD
2:30 PM'Trouble with the law:' Comparing 12-month prevalence of legal problems among persons with and without mental illness in the National Comorbidity Study
William H. Fisher, PhD, Steven M Banks, PhD, Bernice Fernandes, BA
2:45 PM(Mis)attributions of social problems to mental illness: (Mis)attribution of service effectiveness to clinical intervention
Jeffrey Draine, PhD, Mark S. Salzer, PhD
3:00 PMLongitudinal impacts of mental health managed care on the use of jails and county based mental health services by persons with a serious mental illness
Neil Thakur, Joseph Morrissey, PhD, John S. Preisser, PhD, Henry Steadman, PhD
3:15 PMPsychiatric comorbidity and not completing jail-based substance abuse treatment
Thomas M. Brady, PhD, Christopher P. Krebs, PhD
3:30 PMPilot study of telepsychiatry in a rural jail
Luisa B Manfredi, JD, MPH, Steven L. Batki, MD
Organized by:Mental Health
Endorsed by:Community Health Planning and Policy Development; Socialist Caucus
CE Credits:Health Education (CHES), Nursing, Pharmacy, Social Work

The 130th Annual Meeting of APHA