![]() | The 131st Annual Meeting (November 15-19, 2003) of APHA |
Christina Shoemaker Simmons, MPH, WIC Services Branch, Dept of Health, Hawaii State, 235 S Beretania Street, Suite 701, Honolulu, HI 96813, 808.753-3292, simmonsc005@hawaii.rr.com
Embarrassment is a primary reason women bottlefeed in public. Beginning with this fact, we thought our WIC clients would be more likely to breastfeed in public if they had a nursing drape to make breastfeeding discreet.
We began researching market availability, prices and criteria for this drape. These criteria will be presented during the poster session. Our research led us to conclude that all drapes were expensive (at least $19 each), culturally inappropriate and impractical for Hawai’i.
Once criteria was established, we found a wonderful seamstress to work with. Maria Plourde worked with WIC on drape and label designs, prototypes and manufacturing. Once all 4,425 original drapes were sewn, packed and distributed to the local agencies, criteria were set up for client distribution.
State level policies were written so client education and distribution is consistent across the State.
The nursing drape has become an integral part of our Breastfeeding Incentive Program. Drapes replaced other less utilized items saving us money and lowering formula expenses.
Preliminary survey findings show the drape is: 1. Very well utilized by the WIC client. 2. Primarily used in public. 3. First used when the infant is 5-12 weeks old and used weekly. 4. Accompanied by breastfeeding education. 5. Helping women use less formula and increase the exclusivity of breastfeeding among WIC participants.
This creative process has taught us there are simple ways to address embarrassment issues that are culturally appropriate, inexpensive and provides an excellent outreach medium in public health.
Learning Objectives:
Keywords: Breast Feeding, Community Health Promoters
Presenting author's disclosure statement:
Organization/institution whose products or services will be discussed: Hawaii Women, Infant and Children Services Branch
I have a significant financial interest/arrangement or affiliation with any organization/institution whose products or services are being discussed in this session.
Relationship: Contract with the WIC Program as their Breastfeeding Specialist