![]() | The 131st Annual Meeting (November 15-19, 2003) of APHA |
Edward Bolen, JD1, Randy Kline, JD1, and Kenneth Hecht, JD2. (1) Technical Assistance Legal Center, Public Health Institute, 505 14th Street, Suite 810, Oakland, CA 94612, 510-302-3376, ebolen@phi.org, (2) California Food Policy Advocates, 116 New Montgomery St., Suite 530, San Francisco, CA 94105
Public health practitioners are looking at the successes of the tobacco control movement for lessons to apply to the growing epidemic of childhood obesity. One unique element of the tobacco control movement has been a focus on local ordinances that regulate the selling and use of tobacco products while generating revenue for tobacco control efforts.
Instead of focusing on individual lawsuits (e.g., suing McDonalds for the adverse health effects of eating their food), we will share our experiences in helping cities and counties pass local laws that regulate tobacco to protect the public health and we will extrapolate how similar laws could be enacted to improve a community’s nutrition. Recent California successes in enacting policies that restrict soda and junk food in schools will be examined. The use of licensing and land use laws to regulate fast food and junk food retailers and perhaps generate revenue for anti-obesity or hunger efforts in these fiscally tight times will be discussed.
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I do not have any significant financial interest/arrangement or affiliation with any organization/institution whose products or services are being discussed in this session.