The 131st Annual Meeting (November 15-19, 2003) of APHA

The 131st Annual Meeting (November 15-19, 2003) of APHA

4203.0: Tuesday, November 18, 2003 - 2:30 PM

Abstract #74531

California Infrastructure for Fall Prevention

Debra J. Rose, PhD, Center for Successful Aging, California State University, Fullerton, PO Box 6850, Fullerton, CA 92834-6850, (714) 278-5846,

The State of California currently supports a number of initiatives with the primary goal of preventing falls among seniors. In addition to statewide programs, additional regional programs operate in medical, community, and adult day care settings. Programs vary by geographic area, level of risk of the target population served, and the type of intervention strategies used.

Intervention strategies used include targeted exercise, environmental modifications, pre- and post-fall screening and risk factor abatement strategies, and health promotion and education. A brief description of these successful fall prevention initiatives will be provided in this presentation.

Collectively, these fall prevention initiatives have yielded the following outcomes: a reduction in fall incidence rates and/or risk, improvements in multiple parameters of physical function, enhanced self-confidence, and safer living environments. The programs have also received high consumer satisfaction ratings for their overall quality and effectiveness.

Recommendations for action include the formation of a statewide coalition to establish a strategic plan for the development and expansion of fall prevention services and programs in the state of California. The major issues, barriers, and challenges to the successful implementation of such a statewide blueprint have been identified and strategies are currently being developed to address them.

Learning Objectives:

Presenting author's disclosure statement:
I do not have any significant financial interest/arrangement or affiliation with any organization/institution whose products or services are being discussed in this session.

Preventing Falls: Saving Lives, Saving Dollars

The 131st Annual Meeting (November 15-19, 2003) of APHA