APHA Public Health Expo |
Booth: 1042
Measure Evaluation
Chapel Hill, NC https://www.cpc.unc.edu/measure/
Since 1997, MEASURE Evaluation has worked to strengthen monitoring and evaluation functions and systems and build both institutional and individual capabilities that are essential to assess the effectiveness of interventions and approaches in reproductive health, maternal and child health and nutrition, HIV/AIDS, malaria and TB. Currently, MEASURE Evaluation is expanding efforts to facilitate demand for data and utilization of data for policy formulation and program decision-making. Examples of project technical assistance include:
* National M&E systems strengthening and routine health
information systems (RHIS)
* Strategic information planning for host country
institutions and USAID Mission programs
* Evaluation surveys for USAID PHN programs
* Secondary evaluation analysis of existing data
* Training courses and Masters’ programs in M&E
* Development and testing of M&E methodologies to
support local programs (e.g., Priorities for Local
AIDS Control Efforts [PLACE] and Sample Vital
Registration with Verbal Autopsy [SAVVY])
* Development of tools to facilitate utilization of data
for policy development, planning and program
MEASURE Evaluation is one of five separate projects funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) to examine the impact of a wide range of activities to improve human health and well-being, with a focus on family planning, maternal and child health and nutrition, and the prevention of HIV/STDs. |
Melissa Dunn
mdunn@email.unc.edu c/o Univ of North Carolina/Chapell Hill 211 B West Cameron Ave Chapel Hill, NC 27516
Phone: (919) 966-7482 Fax: (919) 966-2391