APHA Public Health Expo |
Booth: 1007
Aspen Systems Corporation
Rockville, MD www.aspensys.com
Aspen offers public sector and private organizations strong health information communication and management capabilities plus medical staffing and clinical management services.
HEALTH INFORMATION COMMUNICATION AND MANAGEMENT. Aspen Health Programs' blend of technological and subject matter expertise has powered our success as a leading provider of health information management services for more than 45 years. We help clients such as the National Institutes of Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention leverage information to promote wellness and battle disease.
Our staff of clinical, communications, information, and technology experts organize, translate, and disseminate information that helps people make good health decisions, and develop tools that help providers prevent and treat disease. Aspen Health Programs' core services include:
COMMUNICATIONS—Creating strategies, systems, and campaigns to manage health-related content and deliver information to patients and their families, providers, researchers, and the public.
INFORMATICS—Designing databases, systems, and applications that facilitate collection, organization, standardization, and retrieval of health-related information.
RESEARCH—Applying data collection and analysis, and program evaluation techniques to health and human services activities.
TRAINING—Assessing training needs and developing/delivering tailored training and technical assistance programs.
Of special interest to public health professionals are our training program for building effective partnerships for public health; Aspen Health Programs' bilingual resources; our award-winning health information web sites (www.AIDSinfo.nih.gov); and our application of Aspen's broad health knowledge and systems expertise to critical public health issues, such as HIV/AIDS, cancer clinical trials, genetics and public health, and clinical research best practices.
MEDICAL STAFFING AND CLINICAL MANAGEMENT. AspenMed's hands-on medical staffing and clinic management services complement the company's health information management services. Led by a dynamic group of physicians and management professionals, AspenMed™ is a wholly owned Aspen subsidiary that provides superior quality, cost-effective health services to government agencies. |
Frances Heilig
fheilig@aspensys.com Director, Health Communications 2277 Research Blvd MS 6S Rockville, MD 20850
Phone: (301) 519-5421 Fax: (301) 519-5855
Leslie Harps
lharps@aspensys.com Vice President 2277 Research Blvd MS 6S Rockville, MD 20850
Phone: (301) 519-5279 Fax: (301) 519-5855
Ruthann Bates
rbates@aspensys.com Vice President, Health Programs 2277 Research Blvd MS 6S Rockville, MD 20850
Phone: (301) 519-5160 Fax: (301) 519-5855
Leslie Harps
lharps@aspensys.com Vice President 2277 Research Blvd MS 6S Rockville, MD 20850
Phone: (301) 519-5279 Fax: (301) 519-5855