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Anthony Lehman, MD, MSPH, Psychiatry, University of Maryland, 701 West Pratt Street, Suite 388, Baltimore, MD 21201, (410) 328-6735, alehman@psych.umaryland.edu
During the years since publication of the original Schizophrenia PORT treatment recommendations in 1998, considerable scientific advances have occurred in our knowledge about how to help persons with schizophrenia. Today an even stronger body of research supports the scientific basis of treatment. This evidence, taken in its entirety, points to the value of treatment approaches that combine medications with a range of psychosocial treatments, including specific forms of psychological interventions, family interventions, supported employment, assertive community treatment, and skills training. The most significant advances since the last PORT recommendations lie in the increased options for pharmacotherapy with the introduction of the second generation antipsychotic medications, and greater confidence and specificity in the application of psychosocial interventions. Currently available treatment technologies, when appropriately applied and accessible, should provide the vast majority of patients with significant relief of psychotic symptoms and improved opportunities to lead more fulfilling lives in the community. Nonetheless major challenges remain, including the need for: (1) better knowledge about the underlying etiologies of the neurocognitive impairments and deficit symptoms that account for much of the disability still associated with schizophrenia; (2) treatments that more directly address functional impairments and that promote recovery; and (3) approaches that facilitate access to scientifically based treatments for patients, the vast majority of whom currently do not have such access.
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Organization/institution whose products or services will be discussed: this abstract was entered by The Conference Exchange techsupport Andrey Gurvich via phone request of Martin Gittelman (martin.gittelman@med.nyu.edu). It doesn't have all neccesary information. Please contact the author Anthony Lehman
I do not have any significant financial interest/arrangement or affiliation with any organization/institution whose products or services are being discussed in this session.