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Patricia Wakimoto, RD, DrPH, Community Outreach and Education Program, NIEHS Center for Environmental Health Sciences, 5700 Martin Luther King Jr. Way, Oakland, CA 94609, 510-428-3885 x 5463, pwaki@uclink4.berkeley.edu and Mary Fujii, MS, RD, Contra Costa County Office, University of California Cooperative Extension, 75 Santa Barbara Rd. (2nd floor), Pleasant Hill, CA 94523.
Iron deficiency has been found to be a serious problem in one-to-three-year-old children enrolled in the Richmond, California WIC Program. Nearly 42% of the children tested were iron deficient as defined by serum ferritin level 12 µg/l or less. While the Richmond study population was 82% Hispanic, iron deficiency is recognized as a widespread problem in all ethnic groups. A short video, “For Goodness Sake: Prevent Anemia,” was developed to increase knowledge among parents and care givers of the seriousness of iron deficiency, importance of being tested, and dietary interventions to reduce iron deficiency. A total of 261 adults from WIC clinics in Contra Costa County, California participated in a study to test the efficacy of the video. The ethnicity of the study population was 56% Hispanic, 21% Black, 18% White, and 5% Asian. Ninety five people were tested on the Spanish version of the tape. Sixty-nine percent of the participants demonstrated gains in knowledge with an average improvement of 20%. Assessment of reactions to the video and anticipated behavioral changes demonstrated that: 75% of the respondents liked the video “a lot”; 86% of the respondents thought that everything in the video was easy to understand; 63% of the respondents indicated that they would try recipes or ideas suggested in the video. The results suggest that exposure to a short, educational video may promote higher intake of dietary iron among young children and their families.
Learning Objectives:
Keywords: Anemia, Video
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I do not have any significant financial interest/arrangement or affiliation with any organization/institution whose products or services are being discussed in this session.