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Sarah E. Alkenbrack, MPH1, Carol Shepherd, ScD, PhD1, and Jeffrey Sine, MPH, PhD2. (1) Futures Group, 1 Thomas Circle, Suite #200, Washington, DC 20005, (202)775-9680, salkenbrack@futuresgroup.com, (2) The Futures Group International, 1050 17th St. NW, Washington, DC 20036
In the late 1990s, donors withdrew support from Mexico’s family planning (FP) program, after having provided support for almost three decades. As more countries move away from donor assistance, concerns are being raised about national preparedness to manage and finance their FP programs. To date, there has been little evaluation of how programs have fared in a self-reliant environment. A case study of Mexico was conducted using a qualitative and quantitative analysis, to evaluate both the phase-out process and its impact on the program, four years after withdrawal of support. In-depth key informant interviews were conducted with past and present government and NGO FP sector leaders. The study examined the planning process for phase-out, the elements of the plan, stakeholders’ attitudes about the plan, and the implementation of the plan. The FP program was evaluated by examining changes in policies and regulations, institutional structures, financing, commodity procurement, service delivery, program management and monitoring and evaluation activities. Results from this analysis illustrate a complex interaction between phase-out of donor support and changes taking place in the political environment, such as decentralization of government structures, fiscal crises, program integration, and changes in political support. The Mexico experience demonstrates a need to 1) continuously monitor these environmental changes, and 2) design a phase-out plan that is broad-based and flexible and addresses these changes as they take place. Lessons from Mexico will help guide decision-making by donors and national program leaders as they strive to make national FP programs sustainable in a self-reliant environment.
Learning Objectives:
Keywords: Family Planning, Evaluation
Presenting author's disclosure statement:
Organization/institution whose products or services will be discussed: This study was funded by United States Agency for International Development under the POLICY Project. The researchers on the POLICY Project are employed by Futures Group.
I have a significant financial interest/arrangement or affiliation with any organization/institution whose products or services are being discussed in this session.
Relationship: employment with Futures group