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Saberi Rana Ali, MBBS, MS, MPH, Dutchess County, Department of Health, 387 Main Street, Poughkeepsie, NY 12601, 845-486-3735, rali@co.dutchess.ny.us, Sabrina-Jaar Marzouka, JD, MPH, Dutchess County Department of Health, 387 Main Street, Poughkeepsie, NY 12601, and Elizabeth L. Teed, PhD, Office of Community Research, Marist College, North Road, Poughkeepsie, NY 12601.
Objective: This prospective study sought to evaluate the effectiveness of The Children’s Health Initiative in addressing youth tobacco use in Dutchess County, NY.
Methods: A self-administered survey of a random sample of 7032 middle and high school students was conducted in two stages before (in 2000), and after (in 2003) the interventions. The interventions consisted of: 1. Research-based, in-school programs such as training and support to educators in cross-curricular educational textbooks, 2. Community-based, after-school projects for at risk youth including homeless teens and 3. Counter-marketing activities. Analyses were based on Pearson Chi-Square tests for differences in frequency distributions and logistic regression modeling.
Results: The interventions proved effective, with particular success in school-based programs. We observed a 7% decline in ‘ever-smoked’ and 6% decline in ‘smoked in past 30 days’. The odds of trying cigarettes amongst those who attended the school programs declined from 0.66 (95% CI 0.54 - 0.80, p >0.001) to 0.56 (95% CI 0.41 - 0. 75, p>0.000). Controlling for other factors, neither community-based programs nor counter-marketing activities showed a statistically significant effectiveness. Females and youth with money in possession smoked more in the over all population.
Conclusion: The initiatives were successful in tobacco use prevention and increasing youth awareness. The authors recommend changes in approach toward female and at-risk youth and emphasize teaching money-management skills for the youth.
Learning Objectives: The session aims to describe for the participants
Keywords: Tobacco, Youth
Presenting author's disclosure statement:
I do not have any significant financial interest/arrangement or affiliation with any organization/institution whose products or services are being discussed in this session.