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Anna Garcia1, Elizabeth Suden, MA2, Terri Walsh, MPH1, and Ron Frezieres, MSPH1. (1) Research, California Family Health Council, Inc, 3600 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 600, Los Angeles, CA 90010, 213-386-5614, garciaa@cfhc.org, (2) Research Division, California Family Health Council, 2550 9th Street, Suite 203, Berkeley, CA 94710
The goal of the Emergency Contraception Initiative sponsored by the California Family Health Council is to expand the network of medical practices providing emergency contraception (EC) and to promote advanced provision. The Initiative also keeps providers informed on recent EC developments such as pharmacy access without a prescription, pending FDA approval for over-the-counter (OTC) access, and extended hours of effectiveness. Based on over 300 on-site technical assistance (TA) visits conducted over the past three years, the EC Initiative reports on the challenges providers face when determining their role in EC delivery.
At each visit, Initiative staff collected information about the provider’s current level of EC service, potential barriers, and attitudes about dispensing EC for future use and its impact on family planning clients. Providers received a free EC kit containing protocols, client education materials and pertinent medical evidence. Six months later, staff conducted phone interviews to assess the impact of the EC kit and TA visit.
At the time of TA visits, only 15% of providers offered EC in advance of need, 42% provided EC educational materials, and 25% provided EC education to their clients. Providers averaged 5 prescriptions per month. By the follow-up phone interview, providers had greatly increased both counseling, as well as EC materials distribution. The mean number of EC prescriptions rose from 5 to 7 prescriptions per month. The percentage of providers who offered prescriptions in advance of need nearly doubled. Providers were also asked about their opinion of OTC access and other critical EC issues.
Learning Objectives:
Keywords: Family Planning, Contraception
Presenting author's disclosure statement:
I do not have any significant financial interest/arrangement or affiliation with any organization/institution whose products or services are being discussed in this session.