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Session: Psychiatric Epidemiology
3213.0: Monday, November 8, 2004: 12:30 PM-2:00 PM
Psychiatric Epidemiology
This session addresses important issues regarding a broad range of topics, including: (1) problem gambling; (2) the effects of depression on functional limitation among adults; (3) the effects of psychiatric disorders in childhood on young-adult functioning; (4) serious mental illness among parents living with children; and (5) psychiatric screening, assessment, and referral among pregnant and postpartum women.
Learning Objectives: At the end of this session, participants will be able to identify and discuss issues regarding a broad range of topics, including: (1) problem gambling; (2) the effects of depression on functional limitation among adults; (3) the effects of psychiatric disorders in childhood on young-adult functioning; (4) serious mental illness among parents living with children; and (5) psychiatric screening, assessment, and referral among pregnant and postpartum women.
Moderator(s):Dorothy Dunlop, PhD
12:30 PMProblem gambling as an emerging public health concern  [ Recorded presentation ]
Tamara Petro, MPH
12:45 PMEffect of depression on the development of functional limitation among pre-retirement adults: Evidence from the Health and Retirement Survey
Dorothy Dunlop, PhD, Larry Manheim, PhD, Jing Song, MS, John Lyons, PhD, Rowland W. Chang, MD, MPH
1:00 PMLingering shadows of psychopathology: Associations between childhood and adolescent onset psychiatric disorder and young adult functioning  [ Recorded presentation ]
Julie A. Leis, Jennifer L. Tanner, PhD, Helen Reinherz, ScD
1:15 PMSerious mental illness among parents living with children
Olivia Silber Ashley, DrPH, Mindy Herman-Stahl, PhD, Michael Penne, MPH, David Weitzenkamp, PhD, Karl Bauman, PhD, Molly Aldridge, MPH
1:30 PMMental health Outreach for Mothers (MOMs) Hotline: Psychiatric screening, assessment, and referral for pregnant and postpartum women in New Haven�s Healthy Start Initiative  [ Recorded presentation ]
Karalee Poschman, MPH, Megan Smith, MPH, Heather Howell, MSW, Mary Cavaleri, MSW, LCSW, Kimberly Yonkers, MD
See individual abstracts for presenting author's disclosure statement and author's information.
Organized by:Mental Health
Endorsed by:Epidemiology; Statistics
CE Credits:CME, Health Education (CHES), Nursing

The 132nd Annual Meeting (November 6-10, 2004) of APHA