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Session: Bioterrorism and Epidemiology: Questions, Methods and Outcomes 1
4133.0: Tuesday, November 9, 2004: 12:30 PM-2:00 PM
Bioterrorism and Epidemiology: Questions, Methods and Outcomes 1
The first of two sessions on bioterrorism and epidemiology explores a range of topics. The creation of the World Trade Center Health Registry will be examined. The use of syndromic surveillance data from multiple emergency departments to detect disease outbreaks, racial/ethnic differences in trust of public health officials to respond fairly after a bioterrorism event, and the epidemiology of terror related injuries will be also be discussed.
Learning Objectives: At the conclusion of the session, the participant (learner) in this session will be able to: 1. Describe the purpose and scope of sample building and the World Trade Center Health Registry. 2. Articulate factors within racial/ethnic groups that are associated with lower trust of public health to respond fairly to bioterrorism. 3. Identify the range of uses for early-detection syndromic surveillance systems in local health departments. 4. Discuss debate and identify candidate syndromes and data gathering methods for syndromic surveillance.
Moderator(s):Elizabeth Bancroft, MD, SM
12:30 PMBuilding a Sample for the World Trade Center Health Registry
Melissa Dolan, PhD, Joseph J. Murphy, MA, Lisa Thalji, Paul Pulliam, BA, Robert M. Brackbill, PhD
12:45 PMRacial/ethnic differences in trust of public health to respond fairly after bioterrorism  [ Recorded presentation ]
Cheryl Wold, MPH, David P. Eisenman, MD, MSHS, Anna Long, PhD, MPH, Claude Setodji, PhD, Scot Hickey, Benedict Lee, PhD
1:00 PMLocal health department applications of essence biosurveillance system
Kathy Hurt-Mullen, MPH, Sheryl Happel Lewis, MPH, Cynthia Edwards, Carol Jordan, Richard A. Wojcik, Joseph Lombardo, MS
1:15 PMSyndromic surveillance: A potential tool for the early detection of carbon monoxide related poisonings  [ Recorded presentation ]
Carla V. Rodriguez, MPH, Howard Greller, MD, Rick Heffernan, MPH, Jane A Greenko, EMT-P, MPH, Debjani Das, MPH, Don Weiss, MD, MPH, Robert S Hoffman, MD
1:30 PMNew Jersey's Smallpox Vaccination Clinic Experience, 2003: Lessons Learned and Implications for Future Practice  [ Recorded presentation ]
Laura Taylor, MS, CHES, Christina G. Tan, MD, Suoqun Liu, PhD, Suzanne Miro, MPH, CHES, Carol A. Genese, MBA, Eddy A. Bresnitz, MD, MS, Sylvia H. Bookbinder, MPH, CHES
See individual abstracts for presenting author's disclosure statement and author's information.
Organized by:Epidemiology
Endorsed by:Environment; Injury Control and Emergency Health Services; Occupational Health and Safety; Statistics
CE Credits:CME, Health Education (CHES), Nursing

The 132nd Annual Meeting (November 6-10, 2004) of APHA