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Session: Trends in National Expenditures by Private and Public Payers for the Treatment of Substance Use Disorders: 1991 - 2001
3004.0: Monday, November 8, 2004: 8:30 AM-10:00 AM
Trends in National Expenditures by Private and Public Payers for the Treatment of Substance Use Disorders: 1991 - 2001
Learning Objectives: See individual abstracts
Organizer(s):Rita Vandivort-Warren, ACSW
Discussant(s):Henrick J Harwood
Moderator(s):Joan D Dilonardo, PhD
8:30 AM**SESSION ABSTRACT** Trends in national expenditures by private and public payers for the treatment for substance use disorders, 1991 � 2001
Rita Vandivort-Warren, ACSW, Tami L. Mark, PhD, Rosanna M. Coffey, PhD, Henrick Harwood, Joan D Dilonardo, PhD, Ellen Bouchery, E King, Jim Genuardi, David McKusick, PhD
8:31 AMMethods to evaluate national expenditures on substance use disorder treatment and trends
Tami L. Mark, PhD, Rita Vandivort-Warren, ACSW, Rosanna M. Coffey, PhD, Henrick J Harwood, Joan D Dilonardo, PhD, Ellen Bouchery, Edward C King, Jim Genuardi, David McKusick, PhD
8:45 AMSubstance use disorder treatment: Where does the funding come from?  [ Recorded presentation ]
Henrick J Harwood, Rita Vandivort-Warren, ACSW, Tami L. Mark, PhD, Rosanna M. Coffey, PhD, Joan D Dilonardo, PhD, Ellen Bouchery, Edward C King, Jim Genuardi, David McKusick, PhD
9:00 AMSubstance use disorder treatment: How have funding streams changed from 1991 to 2001?  [ Recorded presentation ]
Rosanna M. Coffey, PhD, Rita Vandivort-Warren, ACSW, Tami L. Mark, PhD, Henrick Harwood, Joan D Dilonardo, PhD, Ellen Bouchery, Edward C King, Jim Genuardi, David McKusick, PhD
9:15 AMHow is spending on substance use disorder treatment distributed across providers in the United States?
Joan D Dilonardo, PhD, Rita Vandivort-Warren, ACSW, Tami L. Mark, PhD, Henrick J Harwood, Rosanna M. Coffey, PhD, Ellen Bouchery, Edward C King, Jim Genuardi, David McKusick, PhD
9:30 AMHow Has the Mix of Substance Use Disorder Providers Changed From 1991 to 2001?
Tami L. Mark, PhD, Rita Vandivort-Warren, ACSW, Rosanna M. Coffey, PhD, Henrick Harwood, Joan D Dilonardo, PhD, Ellen Bouchery, Edward C King, Jim Genuardi, David McKusick, PhD
9:45 AMDiscussant: Henrick J. Harwood
See individual abstracts for presenting author's disclosure statement and author's information.
Organized by:Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs
Endorsed by:Mental Health
CE Credits:CME, Health Education (CHES), Nursing

The 132nd Annual Meeting (November 6-10, 2004) of APHA