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Session: Bioterrorism Preparedness: Communication and Education for Diverse Communities
5040.0: Wednesday, November 10, 2004: 8:30 AM-10:00 AM
Bioterrorism Preparedness: Communication and Education for Diverse Communities
Describe best practices and collaboration with key partners, public health administrators, policymakers, and planners to coordinate bioterrorism preparedness and response efforts to protect the public�s health.
Learning Objectives: Discuss cultural competence issues and identify strategies related to public health bioterrorism preparedness.
Presider(s):Aranthan Jones
8:30 AMDevelopment of Culturally Relevant Disaster Preparedness Materials and Messages  [ Recorded presentation ]
Denethia B. Sellers, MSW, PhD, Melva V. Thompson-Robinson, MSPE, DrPH, April Hogan, Devika Howard, Kateesha McConnell, Jameika Sampson, MPH
8:48 AMBioterrorism preparedness and the impact on core public health functions
Hanan Obeidi, MPH, CHES, Ronald R. Arias, MPA, Darryl Sexton, MD, S. Michael Johnson, MPA
9:06 AMConfronting multi-jurisdictional challenges in public health emergency planning  [ Recorded presentation ]
Scott C. Voss, MPH, Kristine M. Martin, MPH
9:24 AMCultural Implications of Family Disaster Preparedness and Response
Randolph Rowel, PhD, Myrtle Evans-Holland, MSPH, Argin Hutchins, Nicole Brown, MPH
See individual abstracts for presenting author's disclosure statement and author's information.
Organized by:Health Administration
Endorsed by:Injury Control and Emergency Health Services; Statistics
CE Credits:CME, Health Education (CHES), Nursing

The 132nd Annual Meeting (November 6-10, 2004) of APHA