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Session: Preparing Health Professionals to Respond
4287.0: Tuesday, November 9, 2004: 4:30 PM-6:00 PM
Preparing Health Professionals to Respond
Learning Objectives: Refer to the individual abstracts for learning objectives
Board 1Participation of US Army internal medicine physicians in humanitarian assistance missions
Jean E. Rinaldo, MD MPH, Gregory J Argyros, MD, LTC USA
Withdrawn -- Mexico-Texas border: Joint bioterrorism preparedness and response planning
Francesca A. Kupper, Luis S. Ortega, MD, MPH, Miguel Betancourt, MD, MPH, Pablo Kuri, MD, MPH, Ronald J. (RJ) Dutton, PhD, Eduardo Sanchez, MD, MPH
Withdrawn -- NAFTA�s labor side agreement: Fading into oblivion or a step in an evolution towards improved worker health?
Linda Delp, MPH
Board 2Biological Hazards Waste knowledge in maintenance workers: Public care hospitals in Tijuana, mexico
Martha Vazquez Erlbeck, Dr, ANA M. Valles-Medina, MPH, Raymundo Reyes, MS, Gudelia Rangel, PhD, Cecilia Mendez, Dr
Board 3Trends in origins of international medical graduates who migrate to the U.S
Amy Hagopian, MHA, PhD, Catherine E. Veninga, PhC, Meredith A. Fordyce, PhC, Karin E. Johnson, PhD, L. Gary Hart, PhD
Board 4Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear and Explosives (CBRNE) Training for Foreign Disaster Relief Agencies
Joe Maloney, MPH, REHS, Joe Hughart, MPH, MS, RHSP
Board 5Human resources and training for public health through educating nursing leaders at the doctoral level
Veronica D. Feeg, PhD, RN, FAAN
Board 6Restarting midwifery education in Afghanistan: Overcoming 23 years of conflict and 7 years of Taliban rule
Jeffrey M. Smith, MD, MPH, Anne Pfitzer, MHS
Board 7Innovative health professions education in developing countries: The Women and Health Toolkit
Bridget Canniff Fellini, MALD, Jessica Freya Greenberg, AB
See individual abstracts for presenting author's disclosure statement and author's information.
Organized by:International Health
Endorsed by:Chiropractic Health Care; Injury Control and Emergency Health Services

The 132nd Annual Meeting (November 6-10, 2004) of APHA