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American Public Health Association
133rd Annual Meeting & Exposition
December 10-14, 2005
Philadelphia, PA
APHA 2005
APHA Public Health Expo
Booth: 506
One River Grants Inc.

Troy, NY

One River Grants
One River Grants is a full-service grants identification, writing, and consulting service, specializing in health care, medicine, and public health. Established in 1994, One River has helped clients fulfill their goals by winning tens of millions of dollars from federal, state, and local governments, foundations, corporations, and associations.

One River Grants understands that effective and successful health care is the result of partnerships among health care organizations, practitioners, government, private philanthropy, and communities. Its staff of project consultants, writers, researchers, and librarians helps health care providers, researchers, professional associations, advocacy organizations, and government agencies maximize participation in grant-funded programs, services, and research in health care and medicine.

Egrants.net, a division of One River Grants, is a comprehensive online database of grants, contracts, and fellowships in health care, public health, and medicine. Egrants.net is updated daily and includes a personalized email notification service that informs users of funding opportunities in their selected areas of interest. Egrants.net features:
o Personalized entry page
o Personalized email grant announcements
o Daily updates of the grants and contracts database
o Flexible search capacity
o Email-a-grant announcement to a colleague
o Direct link to grants announcements and requests for proposals
o Direct link to funding source website

Employment Opportunity
One River Grants is seeking an experienced employee to identify sources of grant funding and write grant applications, funding requests, and other communications. The incumbent also will develop and refine project concepts, and design research protocols and health service delivery programs.

This is an upper level position which requires extensive knowledge of health services delivery and research, public health and/or medicine, and an understanding of strategic approaches to funding for underserved populations. An advanced degree, research skills, and outstanding writing skills are required.

Marta Banks
8 Winter St
1st Floor
Troy, NY 12180  
Phone: (518) 283-7400
Fax: (518) 283-7174

Stephen Banks
Senior Vice President
8 Winter St
1st Floor
Troy, NY 12180  
Phone: (518) 283-7400
Fax: (518) 283-7174

Category: Community Services, Consulting, Foundations, Health Services, Research

The 133rd Annual Meeting & Exposition (December 10-14, 2005) of APHA

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