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American Public Health Association
133rd Annual Meeting & Exposition
December 10-14, 2005
Philadelphia, PA
APHA 2005
APHA Public Health Expo
Booth: 1900
Walden University

Baltimore, MD

Since 1970, Walden University has offered working professionals the opportunity to earn advanced degrees through distance learning. Today, Walden University offers master's and Ph.D. degrees online in public health as well as public policy and administration. Please visit our specialized site for APHA members http://www.waldenu.edu/apha for more information.
Dennis Swain
Senior Events Marketing Specialist
1001 Fleet St
Baltimore, MD 21202  
Phone: 1-800-627-4276 x. 6522
Fax: (410) 843-6591

Linda McCormick
Senior Events Marketing Manager
1001 Fleet St
Baltimore, MD 21202  
Phone: 1-800-627-4276 x. 8385

Category: Educational Programs & Services, Schools of Public Health/Universities, Educational Materials

The 133rd Annual Meeting & Exposition (December 10-14, 2005) of APHA

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