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American Public Health Association
133rd Annual Meeting & Exposition
December 10-14, 2005
Philadelphia, PA
APHA 2005
3252.0: Monday, December 12, 2005 - Board 6

Abstract #106085

Role of pets in health promotion: A PAWS program case study

Belinda Wong, MPH, Department of Health Education, San Francisco State University, 1600 Holloway Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94132, 415-681-9810, bwong@itsa.ucsf.edu

The purpose of this study was to assess the quality of an intervention that aims to support the relationship of people with chronic illness and their pets. The researcher collaborated with Pets Are Wonderful Support (PAWS), a human-animal support service program dedicated to keeping people with HIV/AIDS and other disabilities together with their pets and educating the public on the health benefits of pets. Since 1987, this community-based intervention has been a central part of HIV/AIDS services in San Francisco. Mail surveys were sent to all clients (n=411) and 150 surveys were returned (completion rate 36.5%). Clients were asked to 1) rate their level of program satisfaction, 2) identify gaps in services, and 3) describe the benefits of the program. Using a Likert scale (1 being very dissatisfied to 5 being very satisfied), mean satisfaction rates were as follows: staff=4.35, volunteers=4.52, policies/guidelines explained clearly=4.22, information/services explained clearly=4.05, and types of services available=4.30, with the overall mean satisfaction rate of 4.29. Examples of gaps in services were funds for landlord's pet security deposit, dog training discounts, free vaccinations, and place to wash/groom pets. Program benefits showed the intervention contributed to sustaining client's emotional support system (i.e. keeping their animal companion) and overall quality of life. PAWS…”understands the need for companion animals and how much better they make a sick person feel.” This study contributes to the growing research on the health and well-being of people and pets.

Learning Objectives:

Keywords: Community Programs, Well-Being

Related Web page: www.pawssf.org

Presenting author's disclosure statement:

I wish to disclose that I have NO financial interests or other relationship with the manufactures of commercial products, suppliers of commercial services or commercial supporters.

Innovations and Interventions in Health Education

The 133rd Annual Meeting & Exposition (December 10-14, 2005) of APHA