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133rd Annual Meeting & Exposition December 10-14, 2005 Philadelphia, PA |
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Eve Espey, MD, MPH1, Tony Ogburn, MD2, and Elizabeth Buchen, MD2. (1) Department of OB-GYN - 4ACC, University of New Mexico, 2211 Lomas Ave. NE, Albuquerque, NM 87131, (505) 272-6309, eespey@salud.unm.edu, (2) Department of OB/Gyn, University of New Mexico, MSC 10 5580, 1 University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM 87131-0001
Background: In 2002, New Mexico passed a law requiring that emergency contraception (EC) be offered to survivors of sexual assault evaluated in emergency rooms. We sought to examine whether hospitals in the state are in compliance with the law by reviewing policies and practices related to EC in the setting of sexual assault.
Methods: We identified all hospitals with emergency departments in the state of New Mexico (n = 39). Each hospital will be visited by one of the investigators and a research assistant. Three individuals in each hospital emergency department—a provider, a nurse and a clerical assistant—will be interviewed and a questionnaire completed. Characteristics of the hospitals will be examined (e.g., urban vs. rural, religious affiliation vs. secular), as well as the individuals answers to questions pertaining to Emergency Department policies and practices related to EC for sexual assault.
Results: We have begun data collection and anticipate completion in June, 2005. Preliminary results indicate inconsistent compliance with the law. A substantial number of hospitals have neither policies regarding the routine offer of EC to sexual assault survivors nor a common practice of offering EC.
Conclusions: Access to EC for sexual assault survival remains limited in New Mexico despite a law that requires it be offered. Emergency Departments must be made aware of the needs to develop policies and practice that offer this valuable contraceptive.
Learning Objectives:
Keywords: Emergency Department/Room, Contraception
Presenting author's disclosure statement:
I wish to disclose that I have NO financial interests or other relationship with the manufactures of commercial products, suppliers of commercial services or commercial supporters.
The 133rd Annual Meeting & Exposition (December 10-14, 2005) of APHA