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133rd Annual Meeting & Exposition December 10-14, 2005 Philadelphia, PA |
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Hediye Seval Akgün, Professor1, Memnune Kavasoglu, Quality speciali2, Aysin Ozturk, Quality Spec3, and Rengin Erdal, Professor1. (1) Public Health Department, Baskent University, School of Medicine, 12.street.7/9, Bahcelievler, Ankara, 06490, Turkey, 00-90-312-2120434, sevala@baskent-ank.edu.tr, (2) Baskent University Hospitals Network, 12.street, 7/8, 06490, Bahcelievler, Ankara, Turkey, (3) Baskent Universirt Hospitals Network, 12.street. 7/8, 06490, Bahcelievler, Ankara, Turkey
The purpose of our indicator-based system is to develop and implement an effective and efficient hospital-wide indicator monitoring system at our hospitals network. We followed the steps that indicators were developed and/or refined in the following areas; access to care, clinical care, appropriateness of care, safety of care, effectiveness of care, continuity of care, satisfaction of care and organizational management. A total of 38 indicators are currently tracked under these topics. For access of care we follow emergency unit waiting times, outpatient departments waiting times and access to critical care beds in our 8 hospitals. Under clinical care, we are monitoring overall inpatient mortality rate, stratified mortality rates e.g.; clinical services mortality, postoperative mortality and maternal mortality while we are also measuring nosocomial infection rates, average LOS for various selected disease, the rate of operations cancelled or rate of patient complaints. For safety of care, we are measuring hospital-acquired infections and some other hospital wide incident reports. Organizational management; includes some efficiency measures and external and internal customers' satisfaction surveys and turnover rates of staffing. We are benchmarking the results within the hospitals as well as evaluating the trends between the years for each hospital and indicator reports are compiled and submitted to the peer review group/departments/top management. After analyzing current situation and problem cases, we initiated several quality improvement activities such as CPR training, problem identification and problem solving methods training for all employees and establishing recommendation and information feedback systems. We will discuss these comparisons and trends by the years and the institutes in this presentation. As a conclusion we see that computerized hospital-wide indicator monitoring system coupled with intensive investigation of problem cases could be very efficient and effective tool to find out quality improvement opportunities in hospitals.
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Presenting author's disclosure statement:
I wish to disclose that I have NO financial interests or other relationship with the manufactures of commercial products, suppliers of commercial services or commercial supporters.
The 133rd Annual Meeting & Exposition (December 10-14, 2005) of APHA