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American Public Health Association
133rd Annual Meeting & Exposition
December 10-14, 2005
Philadelphia, PA
APHA 2005
Session: Emerging Issues in Disability
3272.0: Monday, December 12, 2005: 2:30 PM-4:00 PM
Emerging Issues in Disability
This session will focus on emerging issues in disability and public health
Learning Objectives: At the end of this sessions, participants will understand significant emerging issues in disability and public health.
Moderator(s):Gale Whiteneck, PhD
2:30 PMSexual behavior among persons with disabilities: New data from the National Survey of Family Growth  [ Recorded presentation ]
Gerry E. Hendershot, PhD, Mitchell Tepper, PhD, MPH
2:48 PMPerceptions of PWD Regarding Abuse Directed at PWD  [ Recorded presentation ]
Bernadette M. West, PhD, Denise Goobic, MA
3:06 PMDemand for personal assistance services by Medicaid recipients
Kathleen C. Thomas, MPH, PhD, Alan R. Ellis, MSW, Kathryn Moss, PhD, Joseph P. Morrissey, PhD
3:24 PMA 30-year longitudinal study of outcomes after spinal cord injury
James S. Krause, PhD, Lynne E. Broderick, MPH, Jennifer L. Coker, MPH
See individual abstracts for presenting author's disclosure statement and author's information.
Organized by:Disability Forum
CE Credits:CME, Health Education (CHES), Nursing

The 133rd Annual Meeting & Exposition (December 10-14, 2005) of APHA