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American Public Health Association
133rd Annual Meeting & Exposition
December 10-14, 2005
Philadelphia, PA
APHA 2005
Session: Building Environmental Capacity: From Automotive Repair Shops to Vector Control
4021.0: Tuesday, December 13, 2005: 8:30 AM-10:00 AM
Building Environmental Capacity: From Automotive Repair Shops to Vector Control
Continuing to echo the theme of evidence based policy and practice, presenters in this session will explain their initial assessments of the problem of the lack of capacity within the environmental health system and describe the myriad of ways in which they have undertaken capacity building to address the problem. Particular methods to address the lack of capacity within this session include the use of the Ten Essential Services and the Protocol for Assessing Community Excellence in Environmental Health in the Pacific Northwest; the provision of technical assistance and the dissemination of best practice models in Oregon; survey research and training in California; environmental health infrastructure expansion in Nebraska; an assessment of local environmental public health capacity and needs in the Northeast; and a multi-agency effort employed to collect data and provide incentives for behavior change in auto repair shop owners in Boston. Specifically, within this session, speakers will demonstrate how to address the problem of capacity building using one of the aforementioned techniques.
Learning Objectives: At the conclusion of the session, the participant (learner) in this session will be able to: 1) Recognize two different ways to measure the existence of gaps between the desired amount of environmental health capacity and the environmental health capacity in existence within a particular community. 2) Describe four different ways in which to build environmental capacity within a particular community. 3) List two constraints/challenges to building environmental health capacity within a community and two corresponding ways to overcome these constraints.
Organizer(s):Beth A. Resnick, MPH
Claire Barnett
Leon F. Vinci, MPH
Dorothy Stephens
Moderator(s):Sarah B. Kotchian, EdM MPH PhD
8:30 AMEvery essential service matters: Multnomah County Health Department on capacity building and improving the environmental health system  [ Recorded presentation ]
Lila Wickham, RN, MS, Lynn Michelle George, BA
8:45 AMNW/Plains States Regional Environmental Public Health Academic Center  [ Recorded presentation ]
Carl Osaki, RS, MSPH
9:00 AMDescribing California�s environmental health service delivery system and its challenges  [ Recorded presentation ]
Paola A. Case, MPH(c), David T. Dyjack, DrPH, CIH, Susanne Montgomery, PhD, MPH, Harold Marlow, MPH, DrPH(c)
9:15 AMInfrastructure expansion in environmental health : A formula for success  [ Recorded presentation ]
Leon F. Vinci, DHA
9:30 AMNortheast Environmental Public Health Profile: An Expansion of the Maryland Profile  [ Recorded presentation ]
Beth A. Resnick, MPH, Joanna Zablotsky, MPH, Keeve Nachman, MHS, Thomas Burke, PhD, MPH
9:45 AMSafe Shops Project: A partnership approach to protecting the health of workers and neighbors of automotive repair shops in Boston, MA  [ Recorded presentation ]
Paul A. Shoemaker, MPH, John Shea, MS, Jack Tracy, Paul Nally, Leon Bethune, MPH, Rogers Swartz
See individual abstracts for presenting author's disclosure statement and author's information.
Organized by:Environment
Endorsed by:Epidemiology
CE Credits:CME, Health Education (CHES), Nursing

The 133rd Annual Meeting & Exposition (December 10-14, 2005) of APHA