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American Public Health Association
133rd Annual Meeting & Exposition
December 10-14, 2005
Philadelphia, PA
APHA 2005
Session: Emergency Preparedness and Public Health Capacity Building
3028.0: Monday, December 12, 2005: 8:30 AM-10:00 AM
Emergency Preparedness and Public Health Capacity Building
This session has four presentations on how emergency preparedness can build public health infrastructure and practice. 1) Using preparedness survey tools and methods, workforce capacity is inventoried and evaluated. 2) Psychosocial concerns and programs are incorporated in preparedness planning. 3) The components of the Incident Command System are applied to a �traditional� public health problem (tuberculosis). 4) Respiratory disease (e.g., SARS, pandemic flu) tabletop exercises in 8 cities are used to evaluate public health preparedness and response.
Learning Objectives: 1. Identify at least two competencies of emergency preparedness that can be applied to other public health practices. 2. Recognize one manner in which public health workforce capacity can be inventoried and evaluated. 3. Identify at least three psychosocial issues that are important to address in a public health emergency. 4. Describe how the Incident Command System can be applied to a naturally introduce public health emergency. 5. Recognize how a tabletop exercise can be applied to outbreaks of unknown respiratory illness (e.g., SARS, pandemic flu, etc.).
Moderator(s):Andrew Dennis McBride, MD, MPH
8:30 AMIntroductory Remarks
8:35 AMBT preparedness of public health workers: A competency based evaluation
George J. Graham, PhD
8:55 AMPsychosocial aspects of bioterrorism and disaster response for public health professionals  [ Recorded presentation ]
Philip T. McCabe, CSW, CAS, Mitchel Rosen, MS
9:15 AMTabletop exercises to assess preparedness and response to the arrival of international airline passengers with suspected respiratory illness  [ Recorded presentation ]
Deborah Levy, PhD, MPH, Sherline Lee, MPH, Freddy E. Gray, MPH, CHES, Will Artley, BA, Susan Dimmick, PhD, Ram Koppaka, MD, PhD
See individual abstracts for presenting author's disclosure statement and author's information.
Organized by:Health Administration
Endorsed by:Academic Public Health Caucus; Community Health Planning and Policy Development; Injury Control and Emergency Health Services; Public Health Education and Health Promotion
CE Credits:CME, Health Education (CHES), Nursing

The 133rd Annual Meeting & Exposition (December 10-14, 2005) of APHA