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[ Recorded presentation ] Recorded presentation

Radical changes to public health training in UK

Roderic Keith Griffiths, CBE, MB, ChB, BSc, Faculty of Public Health, 4 St Andrews Place, London, NW1 4LB, United Kingdom, +44 207 935 0243, president@fph.org.uk

Radical changes to public health training in UK

Following wide consultation the Faculty of Public Health, the standard setting body for public health in the UK has implemented a radical overhaul of training.

Membership of the Faculty is now conferred by a new exam taken soon after an MPH while qualification for a consultant post, the level equivalent to hospital consultants is based on satisfactory completion of in service training assessed in the workplace and approved by the Postgraduate Medical Education and Training Board, PMETB, a new National body established by act of Parliament.

Membership of the Faculty is now equivalent to an MPH with an additional practical test in the form of an Objective Structured Oral Public Health Exam. (OSPHE)

The OSPHE tests the common skill base required of all public health practitioners whatever specialism they later follow within public health. These core competencies are � Epidemiological and statistical practice � Appraisal of Evidence � Construction of Policy � Leadership and handling of uncertainty.

The presentation will describe the new examination and training structure and give examples of the methods and questions used in the OSPHE together with data on the performance of the examination this year.

Recruitment to the new training is at graduate level and all disciplines including medicine are treated identically.

Learning outcomes The paper will enable the audience to understand current training in the UK and observe how there has been some parallel evolution of training in the UK and other developed countries.

Learning Objectives:

Keywords: International, Public Health Education

Related Web page: www.fph.org.uk

Presenting author's disclosure statement:

Any relevant financial relationships? No

[ Recorded presentation ] Recorded presentation

Current Issues in Certification, Credentialing and Accreditation for the Workforce

The 134th Annual Meeting & Exposition (November 4-8, 2006) of APHA