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Living Well: A healing journey for women who are cancer survivors

Janis McWayne, PhD, MPH, CHES, Health, Francis Marion University, 4822 E Palmetto St, Florence, SC 29506, 843.661.1467, jmcwayne@fmarion.edu

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the Living Well program retreats for women with cancer. South Carolina offers few such holistic health services. Program components included deep relaxation, mindfulness, and other centering and grounding techniques. Music and movement were used to invite participants to release old feelings through creative expression. Other methods included playful drawing, working with clay, personal journaling, walks in nature, reflection, and rest. Balanced nutrition and preventive care were also an integral component of the program. There are 3 retreats per year and each is limited to 15 participants. Participants signed informed consent forms and completed program evaluations and qualitative commentary. Program staff provided follow-up services with participants to assess the continuing benefits of the program. Additionally, at the time of the retreats, monthly support groups were formed and interested women continued the healing modalities as a component of the support groups. Results of the evaluation showed that women received benefits and perceived an improved quality of life. Qualitative comments included: … truly filled me up and has reopened me to life and the joy of living…gave me the commitment to go on with my own life with renewed energy, strength, and confidence…for the first time since my diagnosis, I felt that I had a reprieve from the daily grind that cancer treatment thrust upon me…. Evaluations were used for improvement of the program and for applying for external funding in order to expand the program for women with cancer in South Carolina.

Learning Objectives:

Keywords: Cancer, Women

Presenting author's disclosure statement:

Not Answered

Alternative and Complementary Health Practice Poster Session

The 134th Annual Meeting & Exposition (November 4-8, 2006) of APHA