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**SESSION ABSTRACT** Evaluating SmokeLess States to promote evidence-based policy and practice

Frank Chaloupka, PhD1, Cindy Tworek, PhD, MPH2, Catherine Siebel, MA1, Carol Schmitt, PhD3, and Anna Sandoval, MPH1. (1) Institute for Health Research and Policy, University of Illinois at Chicago, 1747 West Roosevelt Road, Chicago, IL 60608, 312-413-8906, fjc@uic.edu, (2) Center for Tobacco Independence, 22 Bramhall Street, Portland, ME 04102, (3) Batelle, 6115 Falls Rd, Suite 200, Baltimore, MD 21209

SESSION ABSTRACT Evaluating SmokeLess States to promote evidence-based policy and practice

The primary objective of SmokeLess States (SLS) Evaluation is to identify the extent to which SLS has impacted policy outcomes and fostered a reduction in tobacco use through examination of: media coverage of tobacco policy and other tobacco related issues; tracking tobacco-related legislation; and results from a survey to evaluate and measure ‘strength of tobacco control' (SOTC) efforts. This session will provide a brief overview of each evaluation component, and also discuss the impact of state-level tobacco funding related to media, legislation, and SOTC on key policy outcomes. It will be moderated by Dr. Frank J. Chaloupka.

The presentations titles within the session will be presented in the following order:

1) SmokeLess States: Evaluation of policy outcomes and their implications (ID: 128394) 2) Broad Strokes, Rich Detail: A quantitative overview and qualitative case studies of newspaper coverage of tobacco policy, 2002-2003 (ID: 129101) 3) Changes in Tobacco Control Programs: What we can learn from the Strength of Tobacco Control Index (ID: 134585) 4) SmokeLess States: Evaluating tobacco legislation to understand policy outcomes (ID: 125899) 5) SmokeLess States Evaluation: Discussing implications and outcomes related to media, legislation, and SOTC (ID: 140718)

The first four presentations will last 15 minutes with 3 minutes for questions. The fifth presentation will be a moderated 18 minute panel discussion with a question-answer session to summarize and tie together findings.

Learning Objectives:

Keywords: Tobacco Policy, Evaluation

Related Web page: www.impacteen.org/states/default.htm

Presenting author's disclosure statement:

Any relevant financial relationships? No

Evaluating SmokeLess States to Promote Evidence-Based Policy and Practice

The 134th Annual Meeting & Exposition (November 4-8, 2006) of APHA