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Strategic plan for wellness in a corrections-associated residential substance abuse program

Philip R. Curd, MD, MSPH, Preventive Medicine and Environmental Health, University of Kentucky, 121 Washington Ave, Suite 220, Lexington, KY 40536-0003, 859 257 5678 x82100, prcurd@prtcnet.org and Sandra J. Winter, Research Asst, Department of Family and Community Medicine, University of Kentucky, K302 Kentucky Clinic, Lexington, KY 40536-028.

The Kentucky Department of Corrections (KDOC) has established a pilot program to see if a wellness emphasis can be successfully added to a corrections-associated substance abuse program.

The Roederer Therapeutic Community (RTC) is a residential program that is housed in a minimum security 200 bed facility located on a prison campus. One third of the residents of this all male adult facility are African American; most residents are poor. Graduates of this program have spent at least 7 months using a 12-step approach and interactions with their peers to understand their "errors of thinking" and to focus on becoming responsible and accountable for their actions.

This poster presents a model for establishing a wellness program in a corrections environment, including specific steps that are to be followed. Specific objectives and activities are listed. Elements of planned evaluation mechanisms are also presented.

Learning Objectives: At the conclusion of the session, the learner in this session will be able to

Keywords: Substance Abuse Treatment, Wellness

Presenting author's disclosure statement:

Not Answered

Issues in Treating Substance Abuse Poster Session

The 134th Annual Meeting & Exposition (November 4-8, 2006) of APHA