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[ Recorded presentation ] Recorded presentation

Quality through Collaboration

Norma K. Bowyer, OD, MS, MPH, FAAO, Membership Chair, National Rural Health Association, 243 Wagner Rd, Morgantown, WV 26501, 304 376-1995, bowyer@earthlink.net

In the last thirty (30) years the discussion surrounding quality of care has undergone numerous debates and controversies. The first ten (10) years it was debated whether or not quality could be defined. The second ten (10) years, we debated whether or not quality could be measured. The last ten (10) years we questioned whether or not the data were accurate, appropriate, and legally safe to report. And today, we agree that good, solid, objective measurement is what is needed.

Quality Through Collaboration: the Future of Rural Health, an Institute of Medicine (IOM) Call-to-Action report presents rural stakeholders with an unparalleled opportunity to improve and attract resources previously unavailable. In support of the IOM report, the National Rural Health Association has launched “ Quality Through Collaboration: The NRHA Quality Initiative”. The NRHA is committed to working with rural America's health care and community leaders to address the IOM's call to action. The prestige and clout of the Institute of Medicine are now available to the rural healthcare world as never before.

The public health and eye care community can be actively involved in addressing quality of care issues through collaborative efforts in rural areas by joining with the National Rural Health Association and its state affiliates. Rural areas offer a unique opportunity to lead in innovative research and policy initiatives. Policy makers should look to rural areas for new models of health care delivery and quality reform measures.

Learning Objectives:

Keywords: Collaboration, Vision Care

Related Web page: www.NRHArural.org/quality

Presenting author's disclosure statement:

Any relevant financial relationships? No

[ Recorded presentation ] Recorded presentation

Podiatric Concerns in the Geriatric Population

The 134th Annual Meeting & Exposition (November 4-8, 2006) of APHA