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Videoconference technology applied to medical interpretation: Two year's of findings and evaluation statistics

Janice Chin, MPH, Interpreter Services Department, Alameda County Medical Center, 1411 East 31st Street, Oakland, CA 94602, 510 437 4484, jchin@acmedctr.org, Bruce Occena, MPH, MBA, Health Access Foundation, 2830 21st Street # 7, San Pablo, CA 94806, and Gloria Garcia-Orme, RN, MS, Interpreter Services Department, San Francisco General Hospital, 1001 Potrero Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94103.

Since 2002, collaboration between Alameda County Medical Center (ACMC) and San Francisco General Hospital (SFGH) has introduced medical interpretation services via mobile, videoconference units and �beta� tested this innovative technology on a wide-scale, routine basis � with over 10,000 successful transmissions.

The foundation of the collaborative project was to equip 100% of ambulatory care services at both medical centers with videoconference medical interpretation (VMI) capabilities. VMI has become routine practice in ambulatory clinics with high proportions of LEP patients. The typical clinic contains two or three mobile VMI units, as well as speakerphones in the majority of exam rooms. Interpretation services can now be provided in a matter of minutes. Furthermore, patient and provider acceptance of VMI remains high due largely to its ability to keep visual �body language cues� in the interpretive interaction. In addition, in 2006 ACMC and SFGH began the routine exchange of interpreter services between both medical systems via VMI.

Summarizing the full range of experience at both medical centers over the past four years, the poster will illustrate: � Major accomplishments and timelines � Key technology components and cost metrics � Summary data on reduction of wait times and increased interpreter efficiencies associated with the introduction of VMI � Replication potential and administrative implications

Learning Objectives: After review of the poster, participants will be able to

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Managing Health and Leading Improvement: New Directions in Health Administration

The 134th Annual Meeting & Exposition (November 4-8, 2006) of APHA