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Prescription drug abuse among club-going young adults

Brian C. Kelly, PhD, Jonathan D. Weiser, MPPA, and Jeffrey T. Parsons, PhD. Center for HIV Educational Studies and Training (CHEST), Hunter College, 250 West 26th St., Suite 300, New York, NY 10009, 212-206-7919 X 231, brian.kelly@hunter.cuny.edu

Prescription drug abuse among young people is increasingly a public health concern. The literature on prescription drug abuse primarily focuses on former patients and older adults. Yet, the rates of past year prescription drug abuse are highest among youth ages 15 to 25. Rates of prescription drug abuse exceed levels for most other drugs including cocaine, heroin, hallucinogens, and inhalants. The National Survey on Drug Use & Health suggests that prescription stimulant abuse among 18-25 year olds has increased dramatically over the past ten years. Information on prescription drug abuse by youth and young adults is sorely lacking. The Club Drugs and Health project is a multi-methods study designed to explore health issues among 400 young adults (18-29) who participate in club subcultures. Preliminary analyses of data suggested that rates of prescription drug use are exceedingly high in this population. Lifetime and past 4 month rates of prescription drug abuse included pain killers (78.2%/56.3%), sedatives (64.7%/18.5%), stimulants (58.0%/34.9%), and erection pills (13.5%/7.6%). Of those who are engaged in active prescription drug abuse, 47.7% are poly-prescription drug abusers. To explore the contextual factors related to high rates of prescription drug abuse, the authors utilize qualitative data to further describe and understand the patterns and contexts of prescription drug abuse in this population. Specifically, the authors provide a focused exploration of the triple-engine of availability, reliability, and utility that fuels this phenomenon among young adults.

Learning Objectives:

Keywords: Prescription Drug Use Patterns, Youth

Presenting author's disclosure statement:

Not Answered

Poly-Drug Use and Co-Morbid Conditions Poster Session

The 134th Annual Meeting & Exposition (November 4-8, 2006) of APHA